Brugen af "Come"
Come + gerundium bliver ligesom andre bevægelsesudsagnsord efterfulgt af gerundium. Det betyder, at grundleddet gør noget i bevægelse
- She came running across the field.
- The horse came racing around the corner.
- My dog always comes bounding out of the car.
- When I call you, please come running.
Come + navnemåde kan betyde, at noget sker eller udvikler sig, måske ude af grundleddets kontrol.
- At first I thought he was crazy, but I've come to appreciate his sense of humour.
- How did you come to be outside the wrong house?
- The book has come to mean something quite different for me.
- I have come to see that you were right all along.
Come + navnemåde kan også betyde, at navnemåde indikerer formålet med at komme. Dette ligner brugen af andre bevægelsesudsagnsord efterfulgt af navnemåde.
- I came to see the new exhibition.
- We came to watch a movie.
- Will you come to eat dinner?