Ændring af udsagnsordets tider ved indirekte tale

Normalt er tiden i indirekte tale et trin tilbage i tiden i forhold til direkte tale:
She said, "I am tired." = She said that she was tired.

Test din viden
Sætning i direkte tale Tilsvarende sætning i indirekte tale
Nutid Datid
"I always drink coffee", she said She said that she always drank coffee.
Imperfektiv nutid Imperfektiv datid
"I am reading a book", he explained. He explained that he was reading a book
Datid Førdatid
"Bill arrived on Saturday", he said. He said that Bill had arrived on Saturday.
Førnutid Førdatid
"I have been to Spain", he told me. He told me that he had been to Spain.
Førdatid Førdatid
"I had just turned out the light," he explained. He explained that he had just turned out the light.
Imperfektiv førnutid Imperfektiv førdatid
They complained, "We have been waiting for hours". They complained that they had been waiting for hours.
Imperfektiv datid Imperfektiv førdatid
"We were living in Paris", they told me. They told me that they had been living in Paris.
Fremtid Nutid konditionalis
"I will be in Geneva on Monday", he said. He said that he would be in Geneva on Monday.
Fremtid konditionalis Imperfektiv konditionalis
She said, "I'll be using the car next Friday". She said that she would be using the car next Friday.

Du behøver ikke ændre udsagnsordets tid, hvis det står i nutid, eller hvis den oprindelige udtalelse handlede om noget, der stadig er gyldigt fx

  • He says he has missed the train but he'll catch the next one.
  • We explained that it is very difficult to find our house.


Disse mådesudsagnsord ændres ikke i indirekte tale: might, could, would, should, ought to:

  • We explained, "It could be difficult to find our house." = We explained that it could be difficult to find our house.
  • She said, "I might bring a friend to the party." = She said that she might bring a friend to the party.
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